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"The 'Author' is Dead - 

Long Live the BOOK-IN!"

- Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja,

SOTI Collected Works

A "one volume" (single point of entry) "ADELAJA BOOK-IN," can be read in much the same way as you would read an ordinary book. 


Similarly, the 'INDEX,' can be approached in that way also - in that, you can consult the 'INDEX,' as you would any other 'INDEX' - and so, the "BOOK-IN" - is "extra."

It is "extra" in the sense that the text of the "BOOK-IN," may assist in adding some 'Meaning' and 'Understanding' - two 'items' / 'subjects' considered in an 'ADELAJA INDEX.'


"Multi-Dimensional BOOK-IN's" are styled as such, because the Reader has a 'choice' of multiple origins (can start the 'BOOK-IN' where ever they want.)  That factor will be determined by fate? - expressed as being the moment, the Reader first encounters the 'BOOK-IN.'

The 'multi-point entry' 'BOOK-IN' is regarded as 'multi-dimensional' because - "All Is Perception" (Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works) and rather like 'modal playing' in music, can transport the listener into various dimensional states - so too does the 'position of commencement' - shape the total perception of - 'future reading' - of the 'BOOK-IN.' 


Thus the 'experience' - to Readers, 'will vary' - dependent upon where they commenced reading the 'BOOK-IN.' 


However, that is of no matter - since - "All Is Perception" and there should not be any loss of 'enjoyment' - so long as the Reader is able to ultimately experience - 'Meaningful Meaning!'  

So - "Multi-Dimensional BOOK-IN's" are of a 'different order' from the single volume 'BOOK-IN' (point of entry) - and the 'ADELAJA FOUNDATION,' regard this approach to writing on any subject - as being "original" and "unique" - which takes the nature of writing and its associated activities - 'Comprehension' and 'Understanding,' by the Reader, to another level. 

By 'multi-dimensional,' we mean - those "BOOK-IN's" whose "narratives," "stories" and "things" are scattered across, various "BOOK-IN" platforms - yet, there is a chronological order to the work itself.

Indeed, we believe that this 'multi-dimensional approach' to reading, we have introduced - is such a complex and sophisticated mechanism for delivering information, that it "mimics" not just 'Mind' - "thought processes" and "individual modes of comprehension of information" - but "mimics" "Consciousness," itself.   

In 'The Science Of Abstract Consciousness' - there is an oft quoted phrase - "Consciousness can be fooled, but not mocked." 


It is alleged that the Author of this statement (Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja) once jibed - that "...the BOOK-IN is the nearest you'll get to completing both feats!" (SOTI Collected Works) - but noted - "and that with permission." 

So how does one approach a "Multi-Dimensional BOOK-IN," that avowedly has potentially 'multiple origins or commencement moments?'  ('moment-points of time') - Does it matter where the Reader commences their reading of the "BOOK-IN?"

The reply is that it does not - one does not have to be concerned, with where "one picks up" on "The Story" / "Narrative" - for a simple reason, which we at the foundation, regard as quite unique to this literary form. 

One must approach the "BOOK-IN" as one approaches a "stranger in the street" -  Yes! - there may be "apprehension" - even "concern" - or there may be "familiarity" or even "intimacy" - yes! - just as the stranger is approached with nothing more than an 'intuition' - of what may follow - so it is with the Reader and how they should approach the "BOOK-IN." 


In other words, you can start reading your "BOOK-IN" - anywhere!!! - and allow your 'intuition' to guide you, in your 'Comprehension,' 'Understanding' and 'Attainment' of 'Meaningful Meaning.'

How can this be so?

We have told you to approach the "BOOK-IN" - as if you were approaching "a stranger" - someone unknown.


The 'metaphysical' / 'philosophical' basis and 'justification,' however goes further.


"Just as you might approach, a person" and "your encounter" - with that person - is "equally legitimate"  (the person is the person) - 'at whatever point in time' - you encountered that person - so it is, with the "BOOK-IN." 


It is the same "BOOK-IN" where ever you start and although your experience, may not be 'similar,' your experience - should be of 'equal value.'

To be introduced to a baby - just newly emerged from its mother's womb, or other incubative apparatus - and to meet an elderly gentlemen or woman, as they "ease" and "relax" - in a rocking chair - are they not the same experiences? - 'The Meeting?'  Abstractly, yes they are - since all that has occurred, 'abstractly' - is a meeting. 

Now in relation to each "event" ('abstract point in time') / "meeting"  - it is the "nature of the encounter" - the "skill" of the "participants" / "protagonists" - in the "meeting" that make such "meetings" - "meaningful" or having "Meaningful Meaning."  It is this which makes the "meeting" - through an 'Understanding' and 'Comprehension' - which makes the "meeting""meaningful" or not.

Some may say - that it is an additional task (the 'multi-dimensional aspect) - why should I bother? Why should it be pursued? - The reply to that, is that the "BOOK-IN" itself - is also an "additional offering" - and therefore, there is no need to bother, should you not feel the need to bother!

You see there are people who are gregarious - 'outward going' - 'voluble' - "the Life of any party!" - and there is - "The Hermit," solitary and alone - which one is the better? 

And so it is, with the "BOOK-IN" - you can ignore it, if you wish - you can embrace it - or "struggle" with it, as the fates may determine - but it is always a matter of choice.  In brief - 

"You can start anywhere -

You Will!"


And the "BOOK-IN" will deliver to you -

"A reflection of your own Consciousness"

At that "moment in time.


There are no 'Chapters' in the Adelaja - "BOOK-IN's" - instead there are 'Events' - with each 'Event,' depicting an "episodic drama."


Some 'Events' are given a title, others marked with an "X" - others are devoid of any further description. 


The reasoning for this, is that SOTI teaches that - there only exists and "Eternal Now." Many other esoteric systems, have the same or similar belief. 


In order to reflect this Truth - as far as possible, I have dispensed with 'Chapters' and used 'Events,' in the manner described above.  There is no chronology of time, there is only, an "Eternal Now."

Occasionally an 'Event' might have a date marked (circa X) or a 'Protagonist' within a particular "episodic drama" / "Event" - could refer to a date.  The reader may find these useful, in order to "string together" - some form of chronological narrative - which may be intuitively true - but which defies the "Truth."  

I believe that in expressing this Truth about time, the reader is able to truly approach, this work at a multi-dimensional level - the reader can on reading an event figure out where in relative time, an 'Event' - should be placed and organised in their own mind. 


The reader will in effect construct their own narrative, as to the nature of the events, that are being read. 





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